By Justin English, ROTH Lab

Postdoctoral Fellow in the Roth Lab

KORD is a modified form of the human kappa opioid (KOR) receptor. KORD is activated by the inert compound salvinorin B (SALB), resulting in activation of Gi signaling pathway. As with hM4Di, Gi signaling greatly decreases neuronal firing. Therefore, neurons expressing KORD are observed to have dramatically decreased firing rates1.

mechanism of KORD

Below you can find the plasmid maps provided from the Roth laboratory. Promoters are denoted in green, DREADDs are denoted in red and other proteins are denoted in brown. Some plasmids contain a full sequencing alignment. You can open the alignment panel through the sidebar on the right:

AAV plasmids



  • Not available


  • pAAV-hSyn-FLEX-HA-KORD-P2A-mCherry (map)
  • pAAV-hSyn-FLEX-HA-KORD-P2A-Flag-hM3D(Gq)-P2A-mCherry (map)
  • pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-KORD-IRES-mCitrine (JGE130, map)
  • pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-KORD-P2A-mCitrine (map)
  • pAAV-hSyn-dF-HA-KORD-IRES-mCitrine (JGE131, map)
  • pAAV-hSyn-FLEX-HA-KORD-P2A-mCitrine (map)
  • pAAV-hSyn-F-FLEX-HA-KORD-IRES-mCitrine (JGE185, map)

You can find pAAV plasmids without inserts for negative control here.

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  1. Vardy, Eyal et al. "A new dreadds-dreadd facilitates the multiplexed chemogenetic interrogation of behavior." Neuron (2015).

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