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Eggs Florentine in Portobello Mushrooms
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Eggs Florentine in Portobello Mushrooms

Wednesday, 4/28/2021
Traditional eggs Florentine consist of poached eggs, spinach, topped with creamy hollandaise sauce. To create a more luxurious version, we have perfected the recipe and are serving it with portobello mushrooms and smoked salmon for a delicious weekend breakfast.
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prepare Portobello Mushrooms
prepare Spinach
prepare Poached Egg
prepare Hollandaise Sauce
prepare a cup of tea
To Serve
Place a mushroom, bottom-side up, on a plate. Top it with the wilted spinach (squeeze out excess liquid before plating to avoid a soggy mushroom), add half the smoked salmon and one poached egg. Spoon the hollandaise sauce on top and sprinkle with dill. Serve immediately with a hot cup of tea. Enjoy.
The portobello mushroom is covered with spinach and smoked salmon and surrounded by spinach. The poached egg sits on top of the smoked salmon.
Enough Hollandaise Sauce is poured over the poached egg to cover it. When eating, the egg yolk is meant to still be runny and mix with the flavours of the sauce.

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